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Recommendation: Switch Your Website to HTTPS Now

So what does HTTPS mean? HTTPS (or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is the secure version of HTTP, a protocol used by 2 computers communicating over the Internet. With HTTPS the communication is encrypted which prevents third-party eavesdropping and tampering, so-called man-in-the-middle attacks and attempts to spoof a trusted website. The TLS (or Transport Layer Security) […]

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Malware Hidden in the EXIF of a JPG Image

Have you ever thought of your images as potential vehicles to spread malware? Two months ago a security expert found malware hiding in the EXIF header of a JPG image. Using images to infect computers with malware isn’t new but the novelty here is the way the malicious code was hidden. Peter Gramantik, of Sucuri, […]

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